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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Scholarships Fellowship in Cancer Stem Cell Research 2011

Scholarships Fellowship in Cancer Stem Cell Research 2011
Early Stage Researcher Marie Curie : University of Oxford (2)
Haematopoietic Stem Cell Laboratory
Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine
University of Oxford
Eurocancer Stemcell Training is a network gathering 9 laboratories of 6 member
states at the highest level of cancer stem cell research. EuroCSC training
offers the opportunity to young researchers to join an excellent training
platform in this new area of Cancer Research.

An Early Stage Researcher fellowship position is available for a period of
three years, tenable at Oxford University on a project entitled ????????Cellular
origin and molecular determinants of leukemic stem cells????????. The position will be
based in the laboratory of Professor Sten Eirik Jacobsen and funded by the
European Union Research Framework Programme/Marie Curie Actions. This is part
of an International Training Network whose central theme is called ????????Eurocancer
Stemcell Training????????.
This project will use mouse models to establish the cellular and molecular
basis of collaboration between different classes of mutations in preleukemic
and leukemic stem cells. Mutations will be targeted to different stages of
hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells in mouse models, to investigate how
different primary target cell populations impact on the cellular and molecular
properties, as well as therapeutic responsiveness of leukemic stem cells.
The Fellow will work in the excellent research environment of the Weatherall
Institute of Molecular Medicine at Oxford. The
Jacobsen lab
comprises approximately 15 members, who study the cellular and molecular
mechanisms that regulate normal white blood cell differentiation from
hematopoietic stem cells, and their dysregulation in hematological
Research Fields
Medical sciences
Career Stage
Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)
Candidates will be registered for PhD training while employed by the University
on a Marie Curie Initial Training Network. Candidates will be registered for
PhD training while employed by the University on a Marie Curie Initial Training
Network. Candidates must have, or be expected to obtain by August/September
2011, at least as a minimum, an Upper Second class Honours degree, or
equivalent in a relevant area. An interest in cancer and stem cell biology and
hematopoiesis will be essential. Applicants must have less than 4 years of
full-time equivalent research experience.
An interest in cancer and stem cell biology and hematopoiesis will be
essential. Applicants must have less than 4 years of full-time equivalent
research experience.
The EC funding for this position provides a salary based on a Euro amount of
???????46,000 p.a. which equates to ?????36,800 p.a. (depending on employer deductions
which will vary according to exchange rate). A mobility allowance (to cover
expenses associated with working in a different country), a travel allowance
and a career exploratory allowance will also be available. Under the terms of
the EC funding, which aims to promote mobility within the research community,
to be eligible for the post you must not have been resident in the UK for more
than 12 months in the past three years.
Comment/web site for additional job details
Candidates should apply using the online forms and guidance at
The Course is ????????DPhil in Clinical Laboratory Sciences????????, code 001790. Please
quote ref number H811020. Further information for the post can be obtained from
Closing date for applications: Tuesday 31 May 2011
NB: There is another EuroCSCTraining Early Stage Researcher post available at
University of Oxford. See announce:
Early Stage Researcher Marie Curie Fellowship in Cancer Stem Cell Research:
University of Oxford (1)