Scholarships UK Search

Friday, May 6, 2011

PhD Studentship in the Philosophy of Religion

PhD Studentship in the Philosophy of Religion
University of Leeds, Department of Philosophy
PhD Studentship in the Philosophy of Religion
Applications are invited for a PhD studentship in analytic philosophy of religion. The total value of the award, including allowance for tuition fees, is £5,000 p.a. for three years. In a separate arrangement with Cambridge University Press, the successful applicant will also act as an Editorial Assistant for Religious Studies, work for which will be paid at an hourly rate. Inquiries should be addressed to Professor Robin Le Poidevin,<>

Applications for a place on the PhD programme can be made either online or on paper, by clicking on the following link and following the instructions:…
All applications for the studentship should include a separate covering letter, indicating any administrative experience, a 500-word PhD proposal, a copy of your degree transcripts and a sample of written work (not less than 3000 words in length). Applicants should also arrange for three academic referees to submit references directly to the Department by the closing date. Applications and references should be addressed to Ms Jenneke Stevens, Postgraduate Administrator, Department of Philosophy, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK. Email:<>; tel: 0113 343 3263; fax: 0113 343 3265.
The award is conditional on acceptance of an offer of admission to study for PhD in the Department. Renewal of the studentship each year is subject to satisfactory progress towards PhD completion.
The Department operates a professional training and development scheme for postgraduates: as part of this scheme, successful applicants are often given the opportunity to undertake teaching, which is paid at an hourly rate. The Department also offers its PhD students financial support for conference attendance.
The University of Leeds promotes excellence in teaching, learning and research.
We welcome applications from all sections of the community.
Textphone for deaf applicants only 0113 343 4353.
All information is available in alternative formats – please contact 0113 343 5771.
The closing date for applications is Wednesday 11th May.