Scholarships UK Search

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students, Aston University

Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students, Aston University
School of Engineering and Applied Science International Scholarship Scheme
The School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS)
Many programmes within the School of Engineering & Applied Science (SEAS) offer a substantial entrance bursary to all International students. The bursary offers a £3000 annual award to those international students proven to excel in their subject area.
This bursary is based strictly on merit, given to applicants with a record of academic excellence and is renewable on progression providing the high-level performance is sustained throughout your time at Aston.
Please note that scholarships do not apply to the foundation year or placement year.
For further information, and a list of eligible programmes and conditions, please contact:
Ms Ady Yong
International Admissions Co-ordinator
School of Engineering & Applied Science

School of Engineering and Applied Sciences/Interdisciplinary Studies International Sceme
A number ofscholarships for students applying for an Interdisciplinary Studies degree with subjects from the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences are available.
For further information, and a list of eligible programmes and conditions, please contact:
Ms Ady Yong
International Admissions Co-ordinator
School of Engineering & Applied Science

Aston Business School Scholarship Award Scheme
The Aston Business School is pleased to announce several scholarships of £1,000 each in value for each academic year of undergraduate studies and £500 for the placement year.
Scholarships are available to international students entering one of the full-time BSc programmes in 2011/12 detailed below. Scholarships are awarded competitively to help with the cost of tuition fees.
A complete list of the qualifying programmes can be found at
(Please note that the International Foundation Year does not qualify)
How to apply
Applicants should write a letter of application and a letter of motivation (500 words) along with providing an academic reference supporting the application. The applicants or the applicants’ representative should submit the complete application to:
The Admissions Tutor – Academic Excellence Award
Aston Business School
Undergraduate Admissions Office
Aston University
Aston Triangle
B4 7ET
Fax: +44 (0) 121 204 3197
Please ensure that you state your full name, UCAS number and your contact details including correct email address as they appear on your UCAS form and the name of programme you have applied for. Without these details scholarship applications cannot be considered.
Scholarships are allocated on academic merit and scholarship applications will be considered in conjunction with your academic application via your completed UCAS form.
Please label your essay “Undergraduate Scholarship Application Letter of Motivation” at the top of the first page.
1. Scholarships to the value of £1000 are for each year of undergraduate study for a maximum of three years. The scholarship for the placement year is £500.00. The maximum total scholarship over four years is therefore £3,500.
2. The scholarship will be awarded as a reduction in academic study fees – no cash alternative is available.
3. Scholarships are only available for international students who are self-funded. UK and EU applicants and students sponsored by an organisation are not eligible.
4. To be eligible applicants must place Aston as their Firm choice institution through UCAS and Aston must have been notified of this decision by UCAS.
5. Applications must be received by post, fax or email before June 30th 2011. An email acknowledgement of receipt will be sent.
6. The Aston Business School Scholarship Panel will make their decision by 31st July 2011. Successful applicants/their representatives will be informed whether they have been successful or not by 31st July 2011 by email correspondence.
7. The decision of the Aston Business School Scholarship Panel is final. No further discussion will be entered into and there is no right of appeal.
8. The Aston Business School Scholarship Panel reserves the right to conduct a telephone interview with suitable candidates.
9. For successful applicants the award will be evaluated on an annual basis and is dependent upon students achieving a pass grade in each year of study. Students who repeat a year will not be eligible for a continuing scholarship.
For details, visit